Cello Gracino Model

Cello Gracino Model by Pablo Alfaro. Cello Gracino Model by Pablo Alfaro.
My "Bob Wallace" Violin
"I'm not going to get that prize ever" I thought many years ago. For the last eight years, I was just another attendee on the sidelines of a parade - sometimes surprised but always happy for the winner. The "Bob Wallace" started to be more than an illusiread more
Fixated on the Fiddle
Award-winning violin maker and restorer Pablo Alfaro sensed a need in the Atlanta market for a high-end violin repari buisness. He settled in Decatur and soon developed a prestigious clientele. "He can make a violin sound its most vibrant with maximum preread more
Raising Neck Projection
At the 2010 VMAAI Convention, Pablo Alfaro's workshop presentation covered several interesting and practical techniques for improving or repairing stringed instruments. One of the topics focused on "œraising neck projection," for which Pablo provided a nread more
Lutherie in Mexico
History of Violin making in Mexicoread more
Viola by Pablo Alfaro (VIDEO)
Alfaro viola played by Teng Li, principal violist at LA Phil at the Fifth Annual Contemporary American Violin and Bow Maker Exhibition held by Metzler Violin Shop.read more